How to be more Supportive: Infertility tips

Infertility is a rollercoaster nobody wants to experience and still, a lot of couples not just in India but all over the world face the problem due to many reasons. Some try in-house solutions, some go for medical treatment, and all of them need sure support and love from their family members and friends. Most of the confidence they get is from you. We already know that you are superb at doing that job still if in doubt we have tried mentioning a few points that can help you understand if you are being supportive enough to them.

Be Good Listener

It’s not necessary to be a solution bearer or advisor all the time, sometimes they all need someone to express, to hear and this is the first rule we want to mention for you. Some days they will be all ear, someday they will be all cribbing , someday they are super sad, someone day they are super loud, but all is fine. Here we just need to give them some space, some time to digest the problem, and should try to make them feel that they can tell anything you.

Don’t be a doctor

These days we all are 10-minute reading doctors, all of us just go to the internet, surf for 10 minutes, and come up with every solution we find there. We don’t know this is always bad to do this, but they might have already done that part and have tried everything and right now are not looking for such solutions.

Try to learn more

Try to learn more about infertility from the internet or from experts, so that you can understand better about their situation. This will help you to gain more patience and understanding of their situation and hence a good partner.

Don’t mention / Complain about yours

This is the most common mistake we always do. Unconsciously we talk about the same stuff which other is facing problem with. This is very important that you don’t mention or complain about your pregnancy or any such reminder that can set your mood off.

Be Supportive towards Clinical Treatment

We can be much more supportive of their decision toward the clinical treatment since they must have given all the thoughts and discussions to come up with that solution and there is no wrong in going in that direction.

Do Read – 5 Natural Ways to Beat Infertility

Don’t jump for Adoption

Since we truly promote adoption since it is a good opportunity for you to brighten one kid’s future but still we don’t encourage you to straightforwardly start suggesting the couple to go for the adoption. This should be the process that someone adopts naturally since you have to adopt the child with a whole heart. Give some time to the couple to figure out the direction they want to go in.

The journey is already very hard for the couple and we should make all the efforts possible to make them feel that they are not alone and should try all points which we have mentioned above. Let’s fight against infertility altogether and be more supportive of each other.

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